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OTRO TESTIMONIO: quiero contar mi experiencia con los códigos de Grabovoi, el 13/9/2018 sufrí una caída. golpeando de forma violentamente mi espalda y parte de la cadera, sintiendo mucho dolor, lo único que pensé al pararme en los códigos, busque en mi teléfono pero por los nervios no encontré, pues recurro al grupo y dos personas me contestaron. Aplique los códigos y además, escribí está sn en un parche y me lo coloque en la parte afectada, les contaré que yo tengo 66 año y se que una caída y golpe de este tipo puede ser mortal, pueden cree, que no siento dolor, estoy bien y no tengo consecuencia alguna, claro cuando me tocó la parte afectada siento que todo esta bien no tengo ninguna hematoma, gracias a los códigos y a las personas del grupo que me ayudaron. Los amo


Meu filho tinha uma prova de Matemática, que ele sempre ia mal. Neste período eu mudei um pouco a estratégia: passei a fazer com ele 5-10 minutos de exercícios (antes eu passava esse tempo sozinho, mentalizando a sequencia 51949131948 – ANSIEDADE – e escrevia um papel e colocava embaixo do travesseiro dele) e a nota dele melhorou e muito!! Gratidão!!


HEATHER - Australia

Thank you so much for an awesome 3 days. If you believe that you create your own realty and you want to make it as amazing as it possibly can be then this is the 3 Day seminar for you. As the Russian's say "You must, You must". A whole hearted thank you to Brian and Marion for their help and assistance on many different levels. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.


t is now 2 weeks since I returned home from our beautiful Thailand retreat and I have had time to realise the true impact this has had on my daily life and visions for my life going forward. I just want to say a heart felt thank you.
I heard the call to meet with soulmates and really wasn't sure how I was going to pay for the adventure but my heart said yes, and the finance seemed immaterial. I was not disappointed! One of my objectives was to allow the RCK knowledge to drop more deeply into my consciousness and even though this is hard to describe, this has happened. Your guidance to connect to ourselves more consciously has put a valuable new daily structure into my day and I, in turn, feel called to honour this connection in a way I have never done before. This retreat has had a massive and beautiful impact on my life and now I can only go forward more consciously and empowered to live life in alignment with my true purpose.
I loved Thailand, the venue was absolutely perfect and the company, well I have a new family spread around the world but connected by so much love and light and whilst it was so hard coming home, now I know the bonds are unbreakable. The programme hit just the right note for the group and allowed us to experience the true magic of connection, the intimacy of knowing one another as well as creating a beautiful and loving space for us to learn, experience, grow and release. Thank you. With so much love to you both.


LYNNE - Australia

Inspirational, thought provoking technologies! I'm so grateful for how far I've come and its be repeating the seminar that I realise just how far that is. Marion you explain the information all so beautifully and you are a skill full presenter, with so much love. Brian you are fascinating to sit with and learn from. I'm so grateful that I found your website nearly 3 years ago, keep up the good work.


SAYURI - Japan

I want to take the time out to thank you and Brian for the call two days ago. I have tried many things but never stuck with most. Russian Knowledge is the only one I have worked at everyday.You are correct that RK finds you ( at the right time too). For if it had come to me last year, I wouldn't have been attracted to it. I wasn't ' there' yet.  


ELIF - Sweden

Thank you Marion, you are such s contribution. I am more and more seeing the value of the number codes and are using them in my life. After the webinar I can sense that my psychic abilities, clairvoyance has developed and when I am doing the daily exercises I am blown away by what I am perceiving, the universe, consciousness so big and expansive, infinite.... I am looking forward to your next webinars and what else is truly possible? 


RCK. R.T.H Canada

I had tried my fair share of modalities to help me with a particularly difficult seven year crises with my ex husband. I would feel better in the short term but my circumstances kept getting worse! When I contacted Brian and started the webinar I was less than a week away from a meeting that I was dreading. Things did not look good for me AT ALL. I thought all was lost. With Brian's gentle yet firm guidance I emerged myself in RCK. To my utter surprise the results of that dreaded meeting and the circumstances around it began to change in less than one week of doing RCK! Both my partner and I are in joyful shock at how quickly our external reality has begun to change just by working on my internal world. If you need help FAST I highly recommend


RAGU - Singapore

I was bothered by neck & back pain for about 2 months when I came across the healing method using the number technology.I spent~ $5000 on mattress and pillows which promised to solve this issue for me,it did not help. Finally I used the number code for the problem,my pain disappeared within 15 mins and never came back. Thank you very much for sharing this incredible technology. God Bless you!!! - Rag           



The Russian Knowledge technique is astounding and I'm just at the beginning of the process. I am so moved by the idea that "by improving myself, it improves the world." So why not aim for robust health, joy, enlightenment? That's what I would wish for the world at the very least. Thank you for your work, appreciate y'all to pieces, Cecile.